How Guest WiFi Can Supercharge Email Marketing

The customer insights that come from WiFi marketing can drive email marketing in ways that lead to incredible campaign success.

That’s right, the long-standing king of customer outreach—email marketing—gets a major boost from cutting edge practices that leverage your client’s guest WiFi network!

In this article, we’ll examine how you can use WiFi marketing to vastly improve your agency’s email marketing campaigns. First, there’s a summary of email marketing best practices, then we’ll get into the positive impact that guest WiFi and WiFi marketing can have on your email marketing initiatives.

Are you interested in new ways to grow your mailing lists?

Would you like to create more engaging email copy by tailoring it to a specific campaign audience?

Read on to find out how WiFi marketing can help you boost client business and agency revenue with an improved approach to email marketing. 

A Brief Reminder of Email Marketing Best Practices

Partly for context, let’s go over a quick summary of email marketing best practices. As you’ll see later, the core elements of a successful email marketing campaign are all enhanced by the customer data and analysis that’s part of WiFi marketing.

Here are five email marketing best practices to keep in mind:

  • Send Valuable Content—A series of campaign emails should consistently offer value to the target audience, with only about half of them hard selling or offering discounts; the other half in the series should nurture the customer relationship by providing information customers want.
  • Personalize Your Messages—If you want the recipient to read your messages, a salutation like “Dear valued customer” is a nonstarter. “Dear {first name},” on the other hand, creates an instant rapport with the reader. Data collected from your client’s WiFi network makes automating a personalized salutation easy, but it also enables in-depth analysis of the target audience, leading to more effective personalization in the body of your email messages too.
  • Focusing on Conversion—Often, “converting prospects into customers” isn’t the goal of an email marketing campaign, or at least that’s a step-skipping oversimplification of your campaign goals. Whether you want to increase sales appointments, transform nonsubscribers into subscribers, attract more people to your client’s event, or meet any other customer-focused objective, make sure your email content and CTAs stay focused on the task at hand.
  • Be GDPR Compliant—If your campaign will target anyone in the EU, it must be GDPR compliant. The GDPR, or General Data Protection Regulation, is a government regulation that requires websites servicing the EU to be secure and follow prescribed data privacy protocols. If you send marketing emails to an EU audience, you need to have a comprehensive privacy policy and be able to prove you have user consent to send the emails.
  • Automate Campaign Execution—Implementing an email marketing campaign manually is tedious and extremely unnecessary. Services and software that facilitate email marketing abound, and you can integrate such systems with your client’s marketing stack. Using MailChimp, for example, you can take data gathered via guest WiFi and feed it into your client’s email lists, then create automation triggers that sync with your carefully thought-out message delivery schedule.

WiFi marketing provides customer intel that makes it much easier to conduct an email marketing campaign and meet each of the five fundamental requirements we just covered. Now, let’s examine exactly how WiFi marketing comes into play in optimizing your email marketing outreach.

Ways that Guest WiFi Enhances Email Marketing Campaigns

WiFi marketing provides customer data and insights that can boost your agency’s email marketing efforts. Below, we’ll look at five ways how WiFi marketing can enhance your email marketing initiatives.

Grow Your Mailing Lists

The most basic way that guest WiFi service drives email marketing is also one of the most important—your client’s guest WiFi network supplies the required email addresses.

Online retailers have it easy—collecting customer email addresses is part of the transactional nature of the business. A brick-and-mortar business owner, one the other hand, can serve a customer on dozens of occasions and never get their email address, unless they use a guest WiFi network to collect that needed contact info, that is.

Customers love and in many cases expect free guest WiFi. Every business that offers it should be getting something in return, and not just customers’ email addresses. Valuable customer data that can be collected through WiFi marketing practices enables in-depth analysis of your client’s customer base, as we’ll see in the next section.

Study & Segment Your Client’s Customer Base

You can target specific groups of customers through segmentation. It’s one of the main ways that businesses use collected customer data, employing it to define a campaign audience and predict the kind of email content that will resonate with that subgroup of the customer base.

Customer Information can be collected through guest WiFi-related marketing techniques and from the WiFi network itself. WiFi analytics can tell you the date of a customer’s last visit, how long they usually stay, etc. Details like customers’ names, gender, and age are all easier to collect with a guest WiFi network, when users log in via social media, for example, or it can be information that was provided by the customer in response to past marketing outreach.

With collected customer information in your database, customer profiles begin to come into focus, allowing you to form composite profiles and consider differences among portions of the customer base.

Setting your sites on a campaign target audience that’s narrower than the whole customer base will have a huge impact when you’re trying to create an engaging email marketing campaign. WiFi marketing helps brick-and-mortar locations capture the customer data needed to understand the whole customer base and its segments. 

Personalize Your Messages

In email marketing, personalizing messages is crucial. Email content must resonate with recipients, and the only way to ensure that is by establishing a personal connection.

As discussed above, using the recipient’s first name in your email salutation is important, but it’s personalization at its most basic. WiFi marketing enables so much more. Data from your client’s WiFi network can be used to conduct a sophisticated analysis of the customer base and of the target audience for a given campaign.

For example, marketers could define a campaign audience based on the WiFi analytics metric “Date of Last Visit,” customizing the content of email messages to add a “please come back” message that feels personal and sincere.

Customer data, when used to better understand the target audience, can be the key to personalizing campaign email content so it will have the intended impact on the target audience.

Improve Customer Engagement

One key component of effective customer engagement via email involves sending content that the recipients want, but that’s only half of the engagement equation. As the marketer on the other side of the customer relationship, you have to get what you’re after as well. 

Your campaign may be focused on boosting subscription opt-ins, getting people to take advantage of a special offer, or any business objective the client may have. Getting email recipients to respond to your CTA is when the second part of customer engagement occurs. But how do you close that loop?

WiFi analytics provides a comprehensive, top-down picture of your client’s customer base. You can better target your campaign audience if you know a lot about them and use that information to tailor messages for maximum engagement.

Detailed data about the customer base, in crunchable qualities, can help marketers define a broad customer profile. That’s a crucial step in improving engagement, whether you’re targeting the whole group or a segment. WiFi analytics can reveal a broad view of customer behavior and illuminate important subgroups for which tailored marketing messages can be written.

Comply with Privacy Regulations

Misuse of customer data is an infraction that’s hard for a company to recover from. It damages brand credibility and destroys trust between the business and its customers.

The GDPR, an especially strict and enforceable government regulation, requires websites that service the EU to be secure and address data privacy concerns through documentation of customer consent.

MyWiFi Networks has included platform features that simplify maintaining compliance with regulations related to the collection of user data, giving WiFi network operators ways to define their own privacy policy and set custom legal terms and conditions.

Email Marketing and WiFi Marketing: A Combo for Campaign Success!

The value of email marketing is staggering. Studies have shown that the average ROI from email marketing is 122%!

Companies can engage with customers via email to establish a personal connection, drive revenue, and promote brand loyalty.

Even if you’re already familiar with email marketing, you may not have been aware that WiFi marketing and the resulting customer insights can supercharge any email marketing strategy, even those that have been successful in the past.

We hope this look at email marketing and WiFi marketing, including our review of email marketing best practices, has helped highlight the incredible impact that WiFi marketing and analytics can have on your agency’s approach to email marketing.

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