Use MyWiFi with SendGrid

Send emails to your Guest WiFi users with confidence.

MyWiFi + SendGrid.  Better together.

How to integrate MyWiFi Networks with SendGrid

About SendGrid

SendGrid: Email Delivery Service

Delivering your transactional and marketing emails through the world’s largest cloud-based email delivery platform. Send with confidence.

SendGrid Website >
SendGrid Support >
MyWiFi SendGrid Support >

Use Cases

Real-Time Email Analytics

Check the performance of your email marketing with actionable and reliable analytics.


Send relevant and personalized email messages to each of your segmented Guest WiFi users.

Easy Integration

Copy and paste your SendGrid API and start your automated email messages.

More Integrations

MyWiFi Networks integrates with your business process.

Integrate SendGrid with MyWiFi

See why MyWiFi Networks makes SendGrid better.
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