Use MyWiFi with Google

Send emails to your Guest WiFi users using the world’s most widely used email service.

MyWiFi + Google.  Better together.

How to integrate MyWiFi Networks with Google

About Google


Search the world’s information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you’re looking for.

Google Website >
Google Support >
MyWiFi Google Support >

Use Cases

Cost Efficient Email Marketing

Send automated email messages using your own Gmail account.

Professional Email Templates

Use the built-in templates to send professionally-done email messages.

Trusted Email Source

Secure and trusted, increasing the chances of your email landing in your recipient’s inbox.

More Integrations

MyWiFi Networks integrates with your business process.

Integrate Google with MyWiFi

See why MyWiFi Networks makes Google better.
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