Use MyWiFi with Facebook Pixel

Run effective retargeting campaigns with the web’s intelligent tracker.

MyWiFi + Facebook Pixel.  Better together.

How to integrate MyWiFi Networks with Facebook Pixel

About Facebook Pixel

Measure, Optimize and Retarget with Facebook Ads

Discover how Facebook Pixel can help you measure Facebook Ads results, track conversion and remarket your website visitors. Learn how to generate, install and use it.

Facebook Pixel Website >
Facebook Pixel Support >
MyWiFi Facebook Pixel Support >

Use Cases

Accurate Data

Get to know your Guest WiFi users based on their demographics.

More Audience

Find more people based on behaviors of your Guest WiFi users. 

Multiplatform Ads

Run a single ad across different platforms like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and more!

More Integrations

MyWiFi Networks integrates with your business process.

Integrate Facebook Pixel with MyWiFi

See why MyWiFi Networks makes Facebook Pixel better.
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