Use MyWiFi with Drip
Integrate your Guest WiFi users with the world’s best eCommerce CRM
MyWiFi + Drip. Better together.
eCommerce CRM
Integrate your eCommerce business with your Guest WiFi users with a CRM that specializes in eCommerce.
Meaningful Automations
Enrich your customers' buying experience with automations that fits them. Give them hyper-relevant content, recommendations and more.
How to integrate MyWiFi Networks with Drip

About Drip
Drip Ecommerce CRM (ECRM) - Marketing Automation for Ecommerce
Drip is the first ECRM–an Ecommerce CRM designed for building personal and profitable relationships with your customers at scale.
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Use Cases
Multiple Integrations
Push your Guest WiFi users to your Drip eCRM and integrate them to other platforms.
Sleek Marketing Automation
Reach more of your Guest WiFi users through marketing automation that uses email, Facebook ads, SMS and more.
Personalized Marketing
Use Drip to personally market to each of your Guest WiFi users. No more generic, machine generated marketing messages.