Use MyWiFi with AdRoll
Automatically retarget WiFi guests and display ads that matter for better ROI.
MyWiFi + AdRoll. Better together.
Dynamic Ads
Deliver tailored ads to your Guest WiFi users when they login and choose where and when they see the advertisement that would matter to them.
Embed Codes
Integrating AdRoll with your campaigns is as easy as copying embed codes from your AdRoll account and pasting them on our Ads Manager.
How to integrate MyWiFi Networks with AdRoll
About AdRoll
Dare to grow your business with AdRoll — the E-commerce Growth Platform helping over 37,000 brands grow revenue through seamless marketing and ads.
AdRoll Website >
AdRoll Support >
MyWiFi AdRoll Support >
Use Cases
Monetize Your Campaigns
Generate revenue from tailored ads that you display
Connect with your Guests
Reach your guests across all channels from one platform
Powerful Insights
Get to know your guests through real time insights from your ad campaigns
Integrate AdRoll with MyWiFi
See why MyWiFi Networks makes AdRoll better.