MyWiFi Networks is the preferred option for resellers over Yelp WiFi

The more flexible WiFi marketing platform where you own your data

Looking for an Yelp WiFi alternative?

With MyWiFi Networks, resellers get better margins and training designed for growth

Your brand on anything you sell with us

Display your brand proudly, not Yelp WiFi

When you offer a great service to your customers, it’s only fair that their loyalty stays with you, not someone else. While our competitors insist on keeping their brand on the products sold by their resellers, MyWiFi Networks firmly believes that you deserve the recognition. That’s why our WiFi marketing platform is fully white-labeled to ensure your branding is front and center. 
Etiqueta blanca

Your customers are not our target

Our WiFi marketing platform is for resellers

Other WiFi marketing solutions, including Yelp WiFi, and their resellers have the same target audiences. As a result, they go for the same prospects. At MyWifi Networks, we don’t want to compete with you. Our main goal is to help your business grow, that’s why we are 100% focused on our reseller partnerships.

We won’t make you change your workflows

Integrations with the most popular tools

Flexibility is the focus of our WiFi marketing solution. It’s essential for resellers to be able to adjust the platform to their and their customers’ processes. That’s why MyWiFi Networks works in harmony with the most popular business tools and platforms through multiple integrations. We don’t set limitations for what you can get done.

We make sure you are well prepared

Training materials focused on growth

We created the WiFi Sales Academy to teach you everything there is about selling WiFi marketing. Once you get out there, you will encounter different scenarios and different niches that you will be targeting. We made sure to account for all of them and to explain to you how to handle these situations and achieve success. The training materials at MyWiFi Networks Sales Academy make it extremely easy for you to start selling right away.

Más razones para elegir MyWiFi Networks

Grandes características que te ayudan a ofrecer la mejor solución de marketing WiFi bajo tu propia marca

Su marca

Un panel de etiquetas blanco 100% seguro personalizado con su logotipo, colores y términos legales.

WiFi Analytics

Ver la actividad en tiempo real de los huéspedes de WiFi, incluyendo datos de usuarios sociales, tiempo invertido y más.

Las páginas de bienvenida

Cree experiencias WiFi personalizadas con nuestros
diseñador de páginas de presentación de arrastrar y colocar.


Establezca desencadenadores, retrasos y acciones para enviar sus datos a más de 1.000 integraciones de aplicaciones de 3. ª parte.

Acceso de cliente

Conceder al subusuario acceso a un tablero simplificado para ver los informes o hacer cambios en la campaña.

Easy Setup

Utilice nuestro asistente de configuración para agregar ubicaciones, hardware y campañas sin codificación requerida.

CRM de ventas

Genere automáticamente previsualizaciones en directo de las páginas de inicio de sesión de WiFi con nuestra integración de Facebook™.


Accesible en más de 30 idiomas para que pueda apoyar a los clientes en cualquier parte del mundo.

No tome nuestra palabra por ello

Marcas inteligentes de todo el mundo confían en nuestra plataforma

Switch from Yelp WiFi today!

Elija MyWiFi Networks, la mejor plataforma de marketing WiFi para su negocio
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