WiFi Marketing Blog

Learn more about how to profit with WiFi marketing

Kevin Zicherman

Grow Your Franchise Business with Guest WiFi at All Locations

Franchise organizations come in all sizes. You may be the owner of a five-location business or a major investor who oversees a bloc of 30 national chain stores. Regardless of the number of locations you’re in charge of, there’s a rule of thumb in the franchise game: consistency across locations is imperative. That rule applies

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Kevin Zicherman

Reopen Your Business Strong with Customer Data Captured via Guest WiFi

With a clear view of post-pandemic life finally beginning to emerge, businesses of all kinds are making big plans. Those that have scaled back during the pandemic are getting ready to resume full operations while businesses that have completely shut down are working out a strategy to reopen. For most kinds of businesses, regardless of

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Kevin Zicherman

How WiFi Marketing Can Help Beauty Salons Recover During the Pandemic

If you have clients who own beauty salons, their businesses are likely struggling due to the current health crisis. Your agency can be a key part of the salon owners’ recovery. This blog post will explain how to bring back customers who stopped making salon appointments due to COVID-19-related health concerns. It describes a strategy

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Kevin Zicherman

Selling WiFi Marketing to Beauty Salons

Your digital marketing agency is sitting on a goldmine. A quick search of area salons will likely yield dozens of prospective clients—business owners who could benefit greatly from WiFi marketing service. Your agency can leverage the salons’ guest WiFi to improve customer communications and execute targeted marketing campaigns. The benefits of WiFi marketing are easy

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Kevin Zicherman

How WiFi Marketing Can Help Hotels Rebound During the Pandemic

The pandemic has had a devastating impact on the hotel industry. If your agency has clients that own hotels, you can be sure that those businesses are struggling. As a marketer, you can help hospitality clients rebound. In this article, we’ll explain a two-pronged approach to increase clients’ hotel bookings. The strategy involves two simultaneous

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Fighting Crisis with WiFi Marketing
How to Save Local Businesses and Grow Your Revenue